
Sømilitær vurdering af Ruslands Østersøflåde og de militære implikationer for Danmark, Scandinavian Journal of Military Studies, 2019. Read it here.

Book chapters

Kampen om flåden — kystvagt eller krig i farvandene omkring Grønland, in Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen and Camilla T.N. Sørensen (ed.) Sikkerhedspolitik i Arktis og Nordatlanten, Djøf Forlag, 2021, ISBN 978-87-574-4948-8.

The Development of the Russian Navy — from Global Maritime Power to Coastal Defence, in Niels Bo Poulsen og Jørgen Staun, eds. Russia’s Military Might — A Portrait of its Armed Forces, Djøf Publishing, 2021, eISBN 978-87-7198-545-0-uk. Read it here.

Why Small Navies Prefer Warfighting Over Counter-Piracy, in Lucas, Edward R., Thomas Crosbie, Samuel Rivera-Paez, and Felix Jensen, eds. Maritime Security: Counter-Terrorism Lessons from Maritime Piracy and Narcotics Interdiction (Amsterdam: IOS Press — NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, 2020). Read it here.


Defeating the A2/AD Umbrella — Concepts for Exploitation of Russia’s Operational Weaknesses, in Michael Jonsson and Robert Dalsjö eds. Beyond Bursting Bubbles : Understanding the Full Spectrum of the Russian A2/AD Threat and Identifying Strategies for Counteraction, FOI, 2020. Read it here.


Russia’s A2/AD strategy is a myth, paper from MAST Northern Coast conference, September 2019. Read it here.